About IRLE

The Institute for Regulatory Law & Economics (IRLE) provides a means of supporting and developing thoughtful regulatory decision-making in a context of technological dynamism. The IRLE strives to bring a clear theoretical framework in law, economics, and technology to actual regulatory practice through research and education, emphasizing the law and economics of network industries and technological dynamism.

As digitization and energy technology innovation change the electricity and communications industries, regulatory decision-making to unleash the economic and environmental benefits of these innovations will rely on credible, current, interdisciplinary analysis in law, economics, and technology. IRLE’s focus on regulatory economic analysis and technological dynamism positions it to become the leading source of technology policy analysis for evolving digital and energy transitions, and a focal point for energy technology policy community.

Since 2004 IRLE has convened an annual workshop for state public utility commissioners and staff members. IRLE draws on the expertise of leading academics, practitioners, and scholars. The range of expertise among the faculty spans economics, experimental economics, finance, law, and technology. One highlight that distinguishes the IRLE curriculum from other regulatory programs is the use of experimental economics, focusing on the unique nature of electricity markets and how changes in the institutional structure of those markets can change incentives and outcomes.

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