Communications and signal processing


The study of wireless and wireline communication systems is the main focus of Communications and Signal Processing group. We borrow tools from information and coding theory to describe the behavior of large-scale communication networks. We are also interested in emerging applications of information engineering such as smart grids, social networks, peer-to-peer systems, searching and classifying large data sets, chip-to-chip and on-chip communications, data storage, minimizing the carbon footprint of our information infrastructure, and deciphering the neural code.

Active projects

  • Fundamental limits of communications over multi-hop multi-flow networks
  • Coding solutions over correlated sub-carrier frequency bands
  • Codes for speed in GPUs
  • Extending the lifetime of memory systems
  • Applications of Low-Rank Matrix Completion in Communications and Finance


Alireza Vahid

Alireza Vahid, PhD

Assistant Professor

Electrical Engineering

Phone: 303-315-7520




College of Engineering, Design and Computing

CU Denver

North Classroom

1200 Larimer Street

Suite 3034

Denver, CO 80204


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