Center for Bioengineering Announces New Director

Kristyn S. Masters, PhD, aims to deepen connections between CU campuses

Kristyn S. Masters, PhD, has been appointed chair of the University of Colorado Denver Department of Bioengineering and the director of the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Center for Bioengineering, following an extensive national search. These coupled roles provide the leadership to the unique cross-campus bioengineering program.  For the past seven years, Masters has served as professor and vice chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Masters will become the Bioengineering Department’s second leader when she begins her new role in June; she was also appointed a tenured professor in bioengineering. Founding chair Robin Shandas, PhD, a University of Colorado Distinguished Professor, led Colorado’s first comprehensive bioengineering program for more than a decade before stepping down in 2022.

“Masters’ hiring represents moving our department to a second phase of history, from the startup phase to one of significant growth,” says Keith Neeves, PhD, professor of Bioengineering, who has served as interim department chair for the past year. “She presented a very aspirational vision for the department and that was quite compelling for the faculty and students, and we believe she will be a transformative leader.”

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