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Computer Graphics

And Virtual Reality

Computer Graphics

And Virtual Reality

Computer graphics and VR


The Computer Graphics Laboratory in the CU Denver Department of Computer Science and Engineering is an interdisciplinary research center dedicated to the development of interactive computer graphics, physical simulation, computer vision, virtual/augmented reality, and human-computer interaction techniques.

Research projects in computer graphics and virtual reality are supported by funding from National Science Foundation, National Institute of Health, Alzheimer's Association, Laser Tech, Microsoft, and other federal and industrial funding agencies.

Active projects

  • Physically based deformation simulation for 4D printing
  • Non-contact breathing activity monitoring
  • Virtual and augmented reality for mental health and medical applications
  • Depth and thermal fusion for security applications
  • Brain-Computer Interface

Associated lab

Virtual reality

Computer Graphics and VR Lab



Min-Hyung Choi

Min-Hyung Choi, PhD

Associate Professor

Computer Science and Engineering

Phone: 303-315-1404



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