Computer Science and Information Systems PhD

The PhD in computer science and information systems (CSIS) at CU Denver offers research training in both computer science and information systems. The CSIS PhD supports interdisciplinary research between computer science and many fields of interest.

NOTE: The CSIS-PhD program at the University of Colorado Denver is a member of Western Regional Graduate Program. Qualified students admitted to this program who are residents of one of the 15 WICHE states may be eligible for residential tuition.

Positions and Assistantships

Department positions may be available (including teaching assistants).  Department positions are hourly based positions and do not include tuition reimbursement; hiring decisions are made 1-2 weeks after the beginning of each semester by the department. These positions are competitive and are based on availability, need, and qualifications. Computer science students are also eligible for other on campus employment.  For available positions, please refer to Handshake, the student employment website.

Research assistantship opportunities may be available.  These positions are very competitive and depend on availability of research funding. Students may contact the faculty advisor they would like to work with.  Please be aware that you must have experience working in the area of research you are requesting. Faculty often may consider providing funding support after a period of time in which the student has demonstrated their ability and interest in the program.

College of Engineering, Design and Computing

CU Denver

North Classroom

1200 Larimer Street

Suite 3034

Denver, CO 80204


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