Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Science

The bachelor of science in mechanical engineering at CU Denver offers interesting and challenging career opportunities in research, design, development, manufacturing, testing and marketing for either private industry or government.

If hands-on design interests you, you will find mechanical engineering to be a broad field—one that covers numerous industries including automotive, appliance, biomechanical, chemical and material processing, energy, computers, electronics and aerospace. You will gain a strong background in theory and analysis in numerical methods and finite element analysis. All students are required to complete basic design courses, and in your senior year you may choose an area of study from the following:

  • biomechanics
  • energy systems & thermal design
  • dynamics & control systems
  • fluid mechanics & solid mechanics
  • material science & composites
  • mechanical systems design & manufacturing
  • thermodynamics & heat transfer


Undergraduate mechanical engineering students at CU Denver are exposed to the breadth of the field through a curriculum aligned with industry needs.

To complete the bachelor of science in mechanical engineering, students must complete a minimum of 128 credit hours, including:

  • 24 credit hours of CU Denver core curriculum coursework
  • A minimum of 31 credit hours of required mathematics and basic science courses
  • A minimum of 73 credit hours of mechanical engineering core curriculum coursework, including 12 credit hours of elective coursework in an approved mechanical engineering track

See the degree map and our curriculum flowcharts for more information and a sample plan of study.

Bachelor's / Master's option

The bachelor's/master's degree option in mechanical engineering allows students seeking a bachelor of science degree (BS) in mechanical engineering to count up to six credit hours of graduate-level coursework (5000-level or above) toward a BS degree and either a master of science (MS) or a master of engineering degree (MEng) at CU Denver.

Learn more.


$64,695 / year

Average starting salary

Sample Careers

Aerospace Engineer, Biomedical Engineer, Control Engineer, Design Engineer, Industrial Engineer, Materials Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Operations Manager, Reliability/Test Engineer, System Analyst, System Engineer, and more

College of Engineering, Design and Computing

CU Denver

North Classroom

1200 Larimer Street

Suite 3034

Denver, CO 80204


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