Your future workforce is training here.
The College of Engineering, Design and Computing (CEDC) offers several workforce development programs. Companies who offer traditional internships can recruit directly through the college to access students in advance of hiring timelines across industry. Partners can also build intentional pipelines of future employees through co-operative educational programming and on-campus apprenticeships. The co-op program is a year-long experience where students work on-site for their employer, typically but not exclusively in their senior year. CEDC staff can help recruit and train students to enter co-op positions and offer opportunities to train new hires and their supervisors in design innovation.
On-campus apprenticeships are similar to co-op, but students do sponsored work on the CU Denver campus and are paid through the university, rather than through the sponsoring organization’s payroll. Students are then covered by the university’s workers compensation and supervised jointly between the organization and a CEDC staff or faculty member. The college hosts up to 20 apprenticeships per year, employing students across many disciplines. The students work on industry-sponsored projects with supervision from high-level design experts and build professional-level portfolios to help them launch vibrant careers.
The CU Denver Experiential Learning Center and our Career Center (together called LynxConnect) also support partners in their on-campus recruitment, including customized recruiting packages, job fairs, and on-campus interviewing. Partners can post positions on-campus for free through these offices, as well as through the CEDC.
Registered Apprenticeship programs offered at CU Denver through the College of Engineering, Design and Computing provide students early and meaningful access to hands-on work. Students enter an apprenticeship in either their sophomore or junior year, depending on program, skills, and requirements of partnering employers. Students complete 2000 hours of work prior to graduation, are given significant and scaffolded work in their field of study, and are guaranteed raises and promotional opportunities to help them grow their careers. Currently, Registered Apprenticeships are available in Construction Project Management and Computer Science + Human-Centered Design Innovation. Learn more.