Policies and forms

Below are policies and forms commonly used by engineering students.



Commencement Policy Exemption
According to CU Denver policy, student participation in commencement ceremonies is reserved for students who have successfully completed all degree requirements. Exceptions are allowed for international students whose visa requirements might not allow them to stay past their course completion to participate in a later ceremony. Students who wish to participate in a commencement ceremony before all graduation requirements are completed, may request an exemption from the dean. An advisor will also be asked to endorse this request. Please note that requests will only be approved under exceptional circumstances. Requests based on convenience, a desire to walk with friends, or to participate in a particular ceremony will not be granted. A student may delay participation in commencement after completing all graduation requirements (“walk late”), without any additional approvals. Contact the College of Engineering, Design and Computing Dean's Office for more information.

Grievance Policy
The College of Engineering, Design and Computing Student Grievance Policy is intended to provide a process for the resolution of disputes between students and faculty or staff of the college, as well as procedures for handling student disciplinary matters.

Honor Code
All students are required to sign the Honor Code, and will do so when they meet with their academic advisors. Students are only required to sign the form once. 

Medical Withdrawal
A student who wishes to withdraw under the Medical Withdrawal Policy must submit a Medical Withdrawal Form to the Office of Case Management (OCM).  Questions about medical withdrawals should be directed to the OCM staff at 303-315-7312.​

Non-CU Denver courses
The purpose of this policy is to describe when a student may transfer course credit from outside CU Denver toward a College of Engineering, Design and Computing degree requirement and the process to do so.

Retroactive Withdrawal
In the event of circumstances that preclude a student from attending class, it is the student’s responsibility to carry out drop procedures before the end of the semester.  Retroactive withdrawal requests for reasons not related to mental or physical health (i.e., medical withdrawals), are only accepted in the case of extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control such as a family emergency (e.g., death in the family) and unexpected financial difficulties (e.g., job loss).  A student who wishes to withdraw for non-medical/non-mental health reasons, should contact their academic department to inquire about retroactive withdrawals.

Student Funding Requests
The college offers engineering student organizations and groups, as well as individual students, the opportunity to request funding for eligible events, projects or activities. Applications are accepted online and must be received a minimum of 14 calendar days prior to the proposed activity.

30-hour Check (for undergraduates only)
When a student in the College of Engineering, Design and Computing is within 30 hours of completing his or her degree, an appointment should be scheduled with a faculty advisor to perform a 30-hour check.


Application for Graduation: All students who intend to graduate in a given semester must complete the Intent to Graduate form before the posted deadline. Knowing and following the deadline to complete the Intent to Graduate form is solely the responsibility of the student. The form is submitted through the student UCDAccess Portal. For diploma information, contact the Registrar's Office.

Change of MajorCurrent College of Engineering, Design and Computing (CEDC) students seeking a change of major within the CEDC must request such a change using the online Change of Major Form.  This form may not be used to change to a major in a different school or college. Pre-engineering students in the CEDC must make an appointment with an advisor prior to submitting this form.  All applicants for a change of major request must be in good academic standing (i.e., not on probation or suspension).

Intra University Transfer (pdf): This form is for CU Denver students currently enrolled in an undergraduate program, who would like to transfer from one school or college to another, or would like to add or remove a second degree.  This includes CLAS-undeclared and pre-engineering students who are ready for admission to the college.  Students currently enrolled at other CU institutions who would like to transfer to CU Denver must complete an application for admission.

Late Add Form & Late Withdrawal FormAll other add/drops/withdrawals (i.e., not LATE ones) can be made in UCDAccess per the dates on the Academic Calendar.


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Contact or visit the Dean's Office.

North Classroom 3034

College of Engineering, Design and Computing

CU Denver

North Classroom

1200 Larimer Street

Suite 3034

Denver, CO 80204


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