Central City Parkway Trail Development Plan

Department of Civil Engineering

Project Abstract

This civil engineering project includes the layout and design of a new bicycle/pedestrian path that will connect downtown Central City to Idaho Springs or an end point to be determined by the City. This trail should be able to connect to the Plains to Peaks trail system. Preliminary alignment, pavement design, excavations, stream crossings, and bridges are to be part of the design. According to the 2017 Central City Comprehensive Plan:

“The recreation priority identified by residents is better utilization and further development of the trail and multi-use pathway network. Pedestrian and bicycle trails can have a significant impact on the quality of life for local residents and attract outdoor recreation visitors. Running, hiking and biking are three of the top outdoor recreation activities in the U.S. Of Americans age 6 and up, 18% or 51.5 million people participated in running, jogging, and trail running, making it the most popular outdoor activity in America. Biking (road biking, mountain biking and BMX) was the third most popular outdoor activity, 15% of Americans age 6 and up, or 43.1 million people participated in biking in 2015 according to the Outdoor Participation Report 2016 by Outdoor Industry Association.”

Project presentation

College of Engineering, Design and Computing

CU Denver

North Classroom

1200 Larimer Street

Suite 3034

Denver, CO 80204


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