CS Scholars Program: Computer Science BS/MS

The Computer Science (CS) Scholars Program provides high-performing and motivated undergraduate students the opportunity to begin graduate work at the master’s level while completing the undergraduate degree in CS. This accelerates the time to obtain a graduate degree for the student, saving both time and expense.

Program Guidelines

CS Scholars are allowed to apply up to 12 credit hours of 5000-level computer science courses, taken as technical electives, to both their bachelor’s degree in computer science and their master of science (MS) degree in computer science. 

The following guidelines are applied to students in the CS Scholars Program:

  • Students must apply for the CS Scholars Program before their last year of courses to receive dual credit for 5000 level courses.
  • If accepted, students remain in an undergraduate status until receiving the BS degree, then move into a graduate-student status with an intent of completing the MS in computer science within a year.
  • Students may take up to four graduate courses (12 credits) while in an undergraduate status.
  • Students must meet with a CS graduate advisor within a semester of acceptance into the CS Scholars Program.

Admission Requirements

  • Must be a full time undergraduate student in computer science at CU Denver in good standing, with a minimum of 60 credit hours completed toward the BS degree
  • Must have completed CSCI 3412 Algorithms, CSCI 3453 Operating Systems Concepts and CSCI 3287 Database Systems
  • Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 or a 3.5 GPA in computer science major coursework
  • Must complete an application to the CS Scholars Program, including a dual degree course plan. The application must be approved by the student’s computer science academic advisor and submitted to the computer science department.
  • Must apply and be accepted into the CU Denver MS program in computer science for the semester during which they will enter the CS Scholars Program. 

Visit the Department of Computer Science and Engineering site

College of Engineering, Design and Computing

CU Denver

North Classroom

1200 Larimer Street

Suite 3034

Denver, CO 80204


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