Graduate Certificate: Neural Engineering


The certificate in neural engineering will provide students with focused knowledge in this growing sub-discipline of bioengineering, with a focus on use of engineering techniques to understand, repair, replace, or enhance neural systems.  The certificate will provide students with an in depth introduction to cellular and systems neuroscience, neural interfaces, neuroimaging, and neurocomputation.  Learning goals are designed to prepare students to work in industry or academia in this fast-paced and growing field.  Instruction will be provided under experienced world-class faculty to gain expertise in current state-of-the-art technologies.   The certificate has elective course options to allow the student to develop a deeper understanding of a particular focus area within neural engineering.

The certificate is twelve credit hours and is open to all graduate students in Engineering or Neuroscience at University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus.

Required Courses (12 credits)

  • BIOE 5073: Neural Interfaces and Bionic Limbs (3 credits/Spring Only) 
  • NRSC 7610: Fundamentals of Neurobiology “Systems Neuroscience” (3 credits/Spring Only) 
  • One technology elective (3 credits)

Choose from among:

BIOE 5053: Optics and Microscopy in Biomedical Research (3 credits/Fall Only)

BIOE 5039: Mechatronics (3 credits/Fall Only)

BIOE 5068: Introduction to Medical Imaging (3 credits/Fall Only)

BIOE 5064: Advanced MatLab for Bioengineers/Life Scientists (3 credits/Fall Only)

ELEC5375: Engineering Neuroscience (3 credits/Fall Only)

CSCI 5931: Deep Learning (3 credits/Spring Only)

BIOE 5100: Image Processing for Bioengineers (3 credits/Spring Only)



  • One neuroscience elective (3 credits)

Choose from among:

NRSC 7600: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (3 credits/Spring Only)

NRSC 7615: Developmental Neurobiology (3 credits, Fall Only)

TXCL 7751: Neuro-Toxicology (2 credits)

NRSC 7612: Nervous System Modeling with NEURON (1 credit)

NRSC 7657: Workshop in Advanced Programming for Neuroscientists (1 credit)

NRSC 7617: The Biophysics of Ion Channels (1 credit)

NRSC 7614: Biological Basis of Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders (1 credit)

NRSC 7675: Neuroethics and Neurophilosophy (1 credit)

NRSC 7618: Biology of the Eye (1 credit)


Certificate Program Application form


The Center for Bioengineering (SOM)

CU Anschutz

Bioscience 2

12705 East Montview Boulevard

Suite 100

Aurora, CO 80045


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