The Office of Grants and Contracts at CU Denver uses a two-stage submission process – routing and submission. Routing is the institutional approval step. Since all awards are made to the university, your proposal needs to be approved by the institution
prior to submitting it to the sponsor. Your pre-award manager will help you to obtain the necessary college approvals and will be your liaison with OGC for all proposals. Please contact your pre-award manager as early as possible when you are working
on a new proposal, as they are often working on multiple proposals simultaneously.
Routing must occur any time a sponsor asks for a detailed scope of work and a budget to be officially submitted by the university. Per university policy 4-5, all requests for extramural support must include the institutional authorizing signature, which is delegated to OGC by the chancellor. Under this authority, OGC requires any official budget and scope of work to be routed for approval by the department, college, and university prior to submission to the sponsor. Any budget and scope of work submitted to a sponsor without going through this internal approval process is not considered to be official by OGC and may not be supported by the institution.
CEDC pre-award
Ali Pearks
Bioengineering pre-award
Karen Gilbert
CEDC post-award
CIDE grants and finance
Tim Chamberlain
Bioengineering finance
Kate Hoch