The process of applying for and managing grant or contract awards can be complex. CEDC, CU Denver | Anschutz, and the CU System have implemented policies and procedures to help faculty meet all federal and state grant/contract requirements. Principal investigators (PIs) who are paid by grant funds and those who assist with the management of sponsored projects need to understand the policies and procedures so that what is proposed can actually be implemented when it is funded.
The applicable policies and procedures are listed below.
Please note that due to the diversity of projects proposed for funding, it is not possible to list every policy or procedure that may apply. It is the PI's responsibility to seek out guidance on relevant policies and procedures that may apply to their proposals prior to submission. The CEDC research staff are here to assist you with questions or concerns with this process.
CEDC PI eligibility policy
CEDC ICR sharing policy
CEDC Faculty Workload & Buydown Policy
College-level procedures
CEDC Research Administration Manual
infoEd manual
CU Denver | Anschutz finance and research policies
Animal use in research
Clinical Research Support Center
Conflict of Interest
Ethical conduct in research
Human Research Protection Plan
Human subjects
CU System Policy on Disclosure of Interests
CU System Policy on Faculty Consulting and External Professional Activities
CU System Travel Policy