College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

31 May 2029 | Long Range Broad Agency Announcement

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Alison Pearks
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31 May 2029 | Long Range Broad Agency Announcement


Protecting our nation can be complex – from rapidly evolving threats to longer-term efforts that require our attention. The current six key mission areas are: 

  1. Counter Terrorism and Homeland Security Threats; (CTHOM) 
  2. Secure U.S. Borders and Approaches (BORAP); 
  3. Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure (CYBCI); 
  4. Preserve and Uphold the Nation’s Prosperity and Economic Security (PROES); 
  5. Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience (PRRES); and 
  6. Champion the DHS Workforce and Strengthen the Department (WORDT). 


To fully understand the needs of our operational Components, DHS Science & Technology routinely identifies priority needs that require Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) solutions. These priority needs drive DHS’s RDT&E investments. DHS S&T and Components look for the following Types of solutions: 

  • Type I: Projects/activities that focus on gaps or needs that have been identified by DHS components; 
  • Type II: Enduring research that results in better and more actionable data sets, knowledge products, standards, and peer-reviewed publications to support scientific endeavors; and 
  • Type III: Exploring emerging science and technology areas and their potential threat or application to future DHS missions.


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