College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

Abstracts due by 9 March 25 | Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) Office-wide BAA

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Abstracts due by 9 March 25 | Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) Office-wide BAA


MTO seeks to develop high-risk, high-reward technologies that continue DARPA’s mission of creating and preventing strategic surprise, help to secure the Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) technological superiority, and address the complex threats facing U.S. national security. The office is establishing a beyond-the-headlights strategy that focuses on three heretofore nascent thrusts:

  1. Scientific disruption: next transistor technology, particularly photonic circuits, quantum circuits, and bio/organic circuits
  2. Microsystems manufacturing ecosystem: automated control of materials synthesis for non-traditional semiconductor materials, predicting fabrication and integration methods with minimal data, and just-in-time application-specific integrated circuit customization.
  3. Dual use by design: new technologies in design, integration, and hardware security to allow for both commercialization and military security and performance.

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