College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

15 Dec | Dear Colleague Letter: NAIRR Pilot Expansion: Researcher Training, Community Outreach, and Classroom Education

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15 Dec | Dear Colleague Letter: NAIRR Pilot Expansion: Researcher Training, Community Outreach, and Classroom Education


This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) announces the interest of NSF in receiving proposals that expand the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot community under two different focus areas:

  • Focus Area 1: community outreach and training to new and emerging researchers
  • Focus Area 2: educators bringing inclusive AI-educational experiences to classrooms nationwide. 

Proposals to Focus Area 1 should be supplemental funding requests, EAGER proposals, or Conference proposals. Proposals to Focus Area 2 should be Conference proposals or Research Coordination Network (RCN) proposals. Prior to submitting a proposal or a supplemental request for either focus area, prospective principal investigators are required to submit a 1-2 page concept outline to confirm appropriateness of fit with this DCL.















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