Concept papers due 30 Sept | AI for Resilient Manufacturing Institute Competition
This other transaction announcement is seeking proposals from eligible applicants to establish and operate a Manufacturing USA® institute focused on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to increase the resilience of U.S. manufacturers. Manufacturing USA institutes are private-public partnerships that catalyze stakeholders to work together to accelerate innovation by co-investing in industrially relevant, cross-cutting advanced manufacturing products and processes. NIST expects to select an applicant or applicant team most capable of establishing and leading a public-private partnership that will integrate expertise in AI, manufacturing processes, and supply chain networks to conduct applied R&D projects that address industry-wide needs for innovation leading to greater resilience of manufacturing systems. The AI MFG USA institute is also expected to cultivate the development of a world-leading workforce needed to deploy institute-developed AI technologies into industrial use.
1:1 cost-share is required