College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

30 Sept | ECosystem for Leading Innovation in Plasma Science and Engineering (ECLIPSE)

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Alison Pearks
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30 Sept | ECosystem for Leading Innovation in Plasma Science and Engineering (ECLIPSE)


This deadline is for AGS, CBET, CMMI, and ECCS only.

The goal of the ECLIPSE meta-program is to use fundamental plasma science to address problems of societal and technological need. Examples of topical areas within the scope of the ECLIPSE program include but are not limited to:

  • Plasma surface interactions, with applications to, e.g., advanced manufacturing, materials processing, and catalysis.
  • Atmospheric pressure plasmas and microplasmas with applications to, e.g., microelectronics, plasma agriculture, environmental remediation, and other clean and decarbonized energy goals enabled by electrification of the chemical industry.
  • Dusty plasmas with applications to, e.g., development of nanomaterials, aerosols, and functionalized surface coatings.
  • Novel sensor development for highly non-equilibrium plasmas with applications to, e.g., cubesat-based geospace measurements and industrial plasma diagnostics.
  • Novel computational modeling for multi-component and/or multi-phase plasma systems with applications to, e.g., space weather prediction and plasma reactor design.
  • Novel studies of plasmons in nano-photonics and nano-optics with applications to, e.g., sub-THz wireless communication and photocatalytic chemical processes.
  • New chemical measurement science for characterizing processes occurring in plasmas and using plasmas as part of measurement systems with applications to, e.g., analysis of environmental contaminants or identification of forensic evidence.
  • Study of fundamental chemical reactions and mechanisms in plasmas with applications to, e.g., novel chemical synthesis.

























College of Engineering, Design and Computing

CU Denver

North Classroom

1200 Larimer Street

Suite 3034

Denver, CO 80204


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