College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

5 Sept | Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (POSE)

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Alison Pearks
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5 Sept | Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (POSE)


The Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (POSE) program aims to harness the power of open-source development for the creation of new technology solutions by supporting new managing organisations to catalyse distributed, community-driven development and growth of new open source ecosystems. This solicitation seeks two types of proposals, allowing teams to propose specific activities to scope and plan the establishment of an OSE (Phase I), and to establish a sustainable OSE based on a robust open-source product that shows promise in the ability to both meet an emergent societal or national need and build a community to help develop it (Phase II).

College of Engineering, Design and Computing

CU Denver

North Classroom

1200 Larimer Street

Suite 3034

Denver, CO 80204


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