30 July | Medical Rehabilitation Research Resource (P50 Clinical Trial Optional)
This Notice of Funding Opportunity invites grant applications from institutions/organizations that propose to build a Medical Rehabilitation Research Center. The centers will have a specific rehabilitation research theme and be comprised of a research project supported by three cores. The three cores will have functions within the center and functions nationwide. Together, the cores will support: administrative functions (including an optional pilot program), resource sharing, and community engagement and outreach. The Medical Rehabilitation Research Centers will contribute to medical rehabilitation research infrastructure by developing and disseminating techniques, data, theories, research programs, and expertise with the goal of enhancing the capability of medical rehabilitation investigators to understand mechanisms of functional recovery, develop therapeutic strategies, identify clinical care gaps, and improve the lives of people with disabilities. Applications must include a plan for inclusion of People with Lived Experience (as a required other attachment) that is relevant to the research theme of the center and increases the potential impact of the center.