College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

Concept papers due first; EAGERs due 10 July for FY25 funding | Dear Colleague Letter: National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot Demonstration Projects

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Concept papers due first; EAGERs due 10 July for FY25 funding | Dear Colleague Letter: National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot Demonstration Projects


The National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot has been launched as a proof of concept to support facilitating researcher and educator requests for computing, model access, and other resources; integrating data, software, platforms, and tools; reaching new and broad communities; fostering positive end user experiences; and building a NAIRR pilot user community. This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) announces NSF's interest in receiving Early-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) proposals and supplemental funding requests for NAIRR Demonstration Projects to highlight innovative use cases and technologies that make use of the NAIRR Pilot. NAIRR Pilot Demonstration Projects are multi-disciplinary efforts involving a team of AI researchers, domain scientists, and/or cyberinfrastructure specialists who are undertaking specific research challenges that innovatively use, integrate with, or rely on one or more NAIRR Pilot requestable resources. Demonstration Projects should result in prominent scientific publications and demonstrate potential capabilities of a future full NAIRR.



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