College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

NOI due 1 July | Artificial Intelligence Applications in Heliophysics

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Alison Pearks
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NOI due 1 July | Artificial Intelligence Applications in Heliophysics


This Artificial Intelligence Applications in Heliophysics (AIAH) program element solicits proposals that demonstrate critically needed artificial intelligence tools to advance Heliophysics Science research. This program element solicits proposals that will not only yield new tools, workflows and techniques that provide unique analytic techniques, but also transform these tools to be easily usable by researchers beyond the ones who developed them. Furthermore, there is significant effort required to use high value AI libraries (e.g., Tensorflow, Scikit, PyTorch, Keras, etc.) directly with Heliophysics Science data archives. AIAH encourages development of extensions to these AI libraries that address challenges in preparing AI-ready data from science data archives. AIAH seeks innovative adaptations and applications of existing AI techniques, concepts, methodologies, etc. to demonstrate their feasibility and potential to increase science return, and to inform Heliophysics science research disciplines of promising techniques and capabilities.


College of Engineering, Design and Computing

CU Denver

North Classroom

1200 Larimer Street

Suite 3034

Denver, CO 80204


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