College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

Pre-applications due 18 June | FY24 Peer Reviewed Orthopaedic Research Program (PRORP) – Applied Research, Clinical Trial, and Clinical Translational Research

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Pre-applications due 18 June | FY24 Peer Reviewed Orthopaedic Research Program (PRORP) – Applied Research, Clinical Trial, and Clinical Translational Research


The vision of the Peer Reviewed Orthopaedic Research Program is to provide all service members with orthopaedic injuries the opportunity for optimal recovery and restoration of function. This year’s funding mechanisms are:

  • Applied Research: Supports applied research applications focused on advancing optimal treatment and restoration of function for individuals with orthopaedic injuries sustained during combat and service-related activities.
  • Clinical Trial: Supports the rapid implementation of clinical trials with the potential to have a significant impact on treatment or management of military combat or service-related orthopaedic injuries that significantly impact unit readiness and return-to-duty/work rates.
  • Clinical Translational Research: Supports high-impact and/or emerging clinical research that may not be ready for a full-scale randomized controlled clinical trial.

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