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College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

Concept papers due 2 May | In-space Production Applications: Advanced Materials and Manufacturing

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Alison Pearks
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Concept papers due 2 May | In-space Production Applications: Advanced Materials and Manufacturing

ISS National Laboratory/Center for the Advancement of Science in Space

The purpose of this Research Announcement is to solicit proposals for applied research and development seeking to demonstrate space-based manufacturing and production activities of advanced materials or technologies only attainable in microgravity. Flight projects selected via this research announcement may be awarded funding to support the development, and mission integration and operations for projects that will be implemented on the ISS. For the in-space production applications line of business, research concepts are desired for which space-based testing can uniquely enable technical solutions to known science and engineering challenges and the creation of new products and business opportunities. The objective is to use the unique ISS environment to develop, test, or mature products and processes that have a demonstrated potential to produce near-term, positive direct or indirect economic impact.





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