College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

Step 1 proposals due by 29 March 2024 | Technology Development for Support of Wildfire Science, Management, and Disaster Mitigation

| All Day
Contact :
Alison Pearks
Email :

This program element seeks ideas that span observation and information system technologies that: 

  • Enhance capabilities of existing science instruments needed for monitoring pre-fire, active-fire, and post-fire environments. 
  • Reduce mass and power of instruments for accommodation by next-generation small spacecraft and aerial platforms. 
  • Enable unprecedented measurements from multiple vantage points through model-directed, coordinated observations using autonomous tasking. 
  • Address computational challenges for modeling and for data acquisition, fusion, and processing in a real-time environment. 
  • Facilitate machine learning and artificial intelligence to create new data products needed for wildland fire management and for management of the constellation of observing platforms. 
  • Enable the seamless exchange of information between spaceborne, airborne, and in situ assets.


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