College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

Abstracts due 14 March 2024 | Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health Broad Agency Announcement

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Abstracts due 14 March 2024 | Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health Broad Agency Announcement
The mission of ARPA-H is to accelerate better health outcomes for everyone by supporting the development of high-impact solutions to society's most challenging health problems. Awardees will develop groundbreaking new ways to tackle health-related challenges through high-potential, high-impact biomedical and health research. With a scope spanning the molecular to the societal, ARPA-H seeks proposals that aim to rapidly achieve better health outcomes across patient populations, communities, diseases, and health conditions, including in support of the Cancer Moonshot. Proposals are expected to use innovative approaches to enable revolutionary advances in science, technology, or systems. ARPA-H has identified four initial focus areas that are a priority for investment:

(1) Health Science Futures;

(2) Scalable Solutions;

(3) Proactive Health;

(4) Resilient Systems;

as well as targeted investments in tools that enable quantitative measurements of health outcomes, promote end-user adoption, facilitate participatory research, and advance relevant Ethical, Legal, and Societal Implications (ELSI) topics.

College of Engineering, Design and Computing

CU Denver

North Classroom

1200 Larimer Street

Suite 3034

Denver, CO 80204


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