College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

23 Feb | Dear Colleague Letter: Planning Grants to Broaden Participation in the Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) Program

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23 Feb | Dear Colleague Letter: Planning Grants to Broaden Participation in the Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) Program


The EFRI program is offering planning grants that support the engineering and science community to form and enhance multi- and interdisciplinary research collaborations that are responsive to the goal of supporting the full spectrum of diverse talents in engineering and science. Planning grants funded through this DCL are expected to cultivate potential EFRI research teams that actively address broadening participation and inclusion goals and develop a competitive EFRI proposal for the FY 2025 cycle of the current EFRI solicitation. As a result of planning grant activities, potential EFRI teams should be better equipped to carry out potentially transformative research that addresses the Biocomputing through EnGINeering Organoid Intelligence (BEGIN OI) EFRI topic. Awards will be for up to $100K for up to 12 months. PIs must contact Alias Smith at prior to submission of a planning proposal to aid in determining the appropriateness of the work for consideration under this opportunity. (note: the original posting of this opportunity had two due dates. The confirmed correct due date is 23 Feb.)




















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