College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

Step 1 proposals due 12 Jan | Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) (ROSES 2023)

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Alison Pearks
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Step 1 proposals due 12 Jan | Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) (ROSES 2023) NASA NASA's Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) Program identifies, develops, and supports adoption of software and information systems, as well as novel computer science technologies expected to be needed by the Earth Science Division in the 5-10-year timeframe. The AIST Program focuses on advanced technologies and innovative concepts with three main objectives: 

  1. Enable new observation measurements and new observing systems design and operations through intelligent, timely, dynamic, and coordinated distributed sensing. 
  2. Enable agile science analyses that fully utilize the many diverse observations using advanced analytic tools, visualizations, and computing environments, and that interact seamlessly with relevant observing systems to request additional observations and improve the final results. 
  3. Enable the development of integrated Earth Science frameworks that represent the Earth with state-of-the-art models (Earth system models and others), timely and relevant observations, and analytic tools. This thrust will provide technology for enabling near- and long-term policy and science decisions by delivering actionable science and information








College of Engineering, Design and Computing

CU Denver

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