College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

NOI due 11 Dec | FireSense Implementation Team (ROSES 2023)

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NOI due 11 Dec | FireSense Implementation Team (ROSES 2023)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
In Fiscal Year 2023 the NASA Science Mission Directorate began a new project called NASA FireSense, which is focused on delivering NASAs unique Earth science and technological capabilities to operational fire management agencies, striving towards measurable improvement in U.S. wildland fire management. This solicitation seeks proposals for individual membership on the FireSense Implementation (FSI) Team. Awardees will receive annual baseline funding for their participation in the FSI team; this baseline funding enables the core activities of the team membership. Once formed, under the direction of FireSense project leadership, the FSI team will organize and work with stakeholders to identify potential projects that provide agile, short-term action on emerging needs from operational fire management agencies in the U.S. 

College of Engineering, Design and Computing

CU Denver

North Classroom

1200 Larimer Street

Suite 3034

Denver, CO 80204


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