College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

25 Sept | Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) (T32)

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25 Sept | Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) (T32)
This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) provides support to eligible domestic institutions to develop and implement effective, evidence-informed approaches to integrated dual-degree training leading to the award of both clinical degrees (e.g., M.D., D.O., D.V.M., D.D.S., Pharm.D.) and research doctorate degrees (Ph.D.). NIGMS expects that the proposed research training programs will incorporate didactic, research, mentoring and career development elements to prepare trainees for careers that will have a significant impact on the health-related research needs of the Nation. This FOA does not allow appointed trainees to lead an independent clinical trials but does allow them to obtain research experience in a clinical trial led by a mentor or co-mentor.


College of Engineering, Design and Computing

CU Denver

North Classroom

1200 Larimer Street

Suite 3034

Denver, CO 80204


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