College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

14 Sept 2023 and 17 Jan 2024 | Dear Colleague Letter: Equitable and Transformative Approaches to Educating the Semiconductor Workforce (ETA-ESW)

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14 Sept 2023 and 17 Jan 2024 | Dear Colleague Letter: Equitable and Transformative Approaches to Educating the Semiconductor Workforce (ETA-ESW)


This DCL announces a cooperative activity between NSF and the Micron Foundation to stimulate transformative approaches to: (a) improve and impact education and training of the advanced memory manufacturing, microelectronics, and semiconductor workforce of the future; and (b) expand equitable opportunities and access to experiential learning programs in cleanrooms and other teaching laboratories. This DCL applies to the Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) program and the Experiential Learning for Emerging and Novel Technologies (ExLENT) program that build on or leverage strong industry-academic partnerships to strengthen the semiconductor manufacturing workforce.

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