College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

26 May | Dear Colleague Letter: Research Collaboration Opportunity in Europe for NSF Awardees

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Alison Pearks
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This letter invites current NSF grantees to submit supplemental funding requests for research visits to any identified, appropriate European Research Council (ERC)-funded European research group. The ERC Executive Agency (ERCEA) has provided a list of ERC-funded principal investigators (PIs) and research teams interested in hosting NSF grantees. The NSF Office of International Science and Engineering website provides instructions on how to access this list at NSF grantees should communicate directly with ERC PIs to ascertain areas of mutual interest and research goals for a visit. NSF grantees then must discuss plans for the visit(s) with the NSF Program Officer managing their award prior to submitting a supplemental funding request. If approved by NSF, the request is forwarded by NSF to ERCEA for review and confirmation with the ERC-funded project. Requests must be received at NSF at least 3 months prior to the proposed visit, but no later than May 26, 2023, for consideration using Fiscal Year 2023 funds.


College of Engineering, Design and Computing

CU Denver

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