College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

NSF PAPPG update virtual presentation

| 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Contact :
Alison Pearks
Email :

My annual NSF PAPPG update virtual presentation will take place this Thursday 12 Jan at 10am, and this year will be co-presented with Alex Franz from OGC. If you haven’t RSVPed yet and would like to attend, please see the attached invitation.


ORS has revamped their grants program and announces three new seed grant programs to replace the previous six programs: 

  • Arts and Humanities Seed Grant Program: The program is designed to provide support for proposal development efforts that seek external funding in the arts and humanities.
  • Convergence Research Seed Grant Program: Cross disciplinary teams of CU Denver faculty from across the campus are invited to submit proposals for funding to support planning, team formation, and proposal development around “high Impact” research and creative work.
  • Open/All-Disciplines Seed Grant Program: The “Open” Research Grants program is designed to support faculty engaged in traditional research activities requiring significant external funding for their success, but may also be in need of small amounts of funding to launch initial research activities providing the initial data, archival material, and community engagement activities necessary to complete a competitive external grant application.

You can find more information on each of the programs here; you will need to log in with your university credentials.

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