Controls That Matter and Considering Everyone: High-Realism VR Avatars in Virtual Work Settings request for proposals
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March 31 | Controls That Matter and Considering Everyone: High-Realism VR Avatars in Virtual Work Settings request for proposals
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Seeking case studies and examples related to the following topics: (1) how teams build controls that preserve future user agency over their data, such as the realistic avatar itself and information from headset cameras and other input used to pilot the avatar; (2) how teams explain to future users when the social signal (e.g., gestures, facial expressions, etc.) the VR system is conveying might not be accurate; and (3) how to improve the VR community’s access to tactical guidance about how to responsibly build in these spaces using existing frameworks and theoretical research. Anticipate issuing up to a total of eight awards, with a maximum value of $75,000 each.