College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

Astrophysics Pioneers (ROSES 2021)

| All Day
Jan. 27 | Astrophysics Pioneers (ROSES 2021)
Solicits proposals for suborbital science investigations that are greater in cost, scope and capability than what is possible within the Astrophysics Research and Analysis, but are smaller in cost than what is possible within the Astrophysics Explorers Mission of Opportunity (MO) program (e.g., PEA Q of SALMON-3 for the 2021 opportunity). Investigations are solicited using platforms that include cubesats (including constellations), SmallSats, lunar surface hosted payloads via the Commercial Lunar Payloads Services (CLPS) program, major balloon missions, and International Space Station (ISS)-attached payloads. Technology development and maturation within the proposed project is allowed, but the primary review criterion for selection is the merit of the proposed science investigation.

College of Engineering, Design and Computing

CU Denver

North Classroom

1200 Larimer Street

Suite 3034

Denver, CO 80204


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