College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

ASEE Virtual Conference

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Register now for the ASEE Virtual Conference

Below is a more complete list of papers our colleagues who will be presenting so that you can catch their presentations as well as many others. 

Darbeheshti, Altman, Jacobson 

"Comparing Student Outcomes from Four Iterations of an Engineering Learning Community" (ID# 33192 )

"Work-in-Progress: A Layered Mentorship Program (LMP) for Engineering Student Success and Retention" (ID# 33319 )

  "An Initial Exploration of Engineering Student Perceptions of COVID’s Impact on Connectedness, Learning, and STEM Identity" (ID# 34956) 

Clevenger et al. 

The Perception of Sustainable Design and Construction: Case Study of Construction Students at Two Universities.”

Goodman and Stirrup 

Design Across the Curriculum: Reinforcing the Design Process in a Chemistry-for-Engineers Course”  

College of Engineering, Design and Computing

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