College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

W.M. Keck Foundation

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W.M. Keck Foundation

  • Basic Science early in the process.
  • Cutting-Edge Research. Your project must be novel, distinct, and pioneering; it must push the edge of the field, present unconventional approaches, and challenge the prevailing paradigm. The Keck Foundation often finds it appealing if traditional sources of funding find the project too risky and are unwilling to support it.
  • Impact. If successful, your project must have the potential for transformative change. 
  • Instrumentation. They like the development of promising new technology.
  • Investigators at all career stages are acceptable.
  • Cross-disciplinary team science is encouraged.

The W.M. Keck Foundation does NOT provide support for clinical trials or for disease-specific research.


  • Concept Deadline – May 25, 2021. The University’s Review Committee will select up to 4 one-page concepts that will be submitted to the Keck Foundation. 
  • Concepts will be reviewed with the Foundation in July 2021 for pre-counseling advice. 
  • Phase 1 Application Deadline – November 1, 2021, if chosen by campus to submit.
  • Full Proposal Deadline – February 15, 2021, if invited by the Keck Foundation.

Single-page concepts should include the following in 12 point font with 1 inch margins: 

  1. Overview of the proposed project emphasizing any unique aspects and pilot studies; indicate area of emphasis for project (i.e. medical research or science and engineering research)
  2. Description of the methodologies and key personnel
  3. Brief justification of the need for Keck support and how Federal agencies will not fund the research (provide comments from federal agencies turning down the research)
  4. Estimated budget broken down, if possible, by major areas, e.g., personnel, equipment, consumable supplies, etc. (budgets can be rough approximations at this stage). The Foundation will not fund indirect costs and they only allow up to 10% of the PI’s annual salary.  

College of Engineering, Design and Computing

CU Denver

North Classroom

1200 Larimer Street

Suite 3034

Denver, CO 80204


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