College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

Webinar: COVID19 - What you need to remember

| 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Contact :
Julia Beems
Email :
Presented by Julia Beems, AT Program Outreach & Emergency Preparedness Program Coordinator, Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering

We have all experienced the effects of COVID-19 first hand. What did we learn? What do we need to remember to be better prepared for this fall?This webinar training will review the steps we need to take to beprepared to stay at home for a long time. The role of the Public HealthDepartment will be discussed along with what we need to think aboutto make sure we are taking care of ourselves and our families, andparticular things we need to think about in a public health emergency.

This presentation is open to everyone. Registration is required.
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