Over the last two decades, there has been increased interest in integrating human-centric design approaches, such as design thinking and user experience design, with design engineering, systems thinking / engineering and business process innovation. In this online, interactive presentation, Prof Wood will share his experience and insights into this integration, and the landscapes of Design Innovation. We will begin the session through a smart-device interaction with the audience on key questions and dimensions of innovation processes. Following this interactive exploration, Prof Wood will discuss Design Innovation in the context of people, processes, methods, and principles, including the dimension of design science research. Exemplar innovation cases will be provided, including defense applications, robotics, digital design, aviation and aerospace projects in rocket technology, drone technology, medical facility experience, and additive manufacturing. If time and accommodations allow, participants will have opportunities to explore Design Innovation in breakout rooms and on Miro virtual white boards.
Kristin L. Wood is currently the Senior Associate Dean of Innovation and Engagement, College of Engineering, Design, and Computing, Executive Director of the Comcast Media and Technology Center, and Interim Director of Inworks, University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus. Wood completed his MS and PhD degrees in the Division of Engineering and Applied Science at the California Institute of Technology. He also served as an endowed professor and distinguished teaching professor at the University of Texas at Austin, as well as the Associate Provost for Graduate Studies, Founding Head of Pillar, and Director of the SUTD-MIT International Design Center, Singapore University of Technology and Design. Wood has published more than 550 refereed articles and books (~20,000 citations; h-Index – 64); has received more than 110 awards in design, research, and education; consulted with more than 100 companies (MNCs and SMEs) worldwide; led or mentored over 25 startup companies; and is currently a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.