College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

Data Science Symposium

| 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Contact :
Farnoush Banaei-Kashani
Email :

The second annual CU Denver Data Symposium will be held as an online event on Friday, August 28th 2020.

Please check out the program at:

And register at:

The goal of the symposium is to bring data scientists across CU Denver and the Denver area together to discuss data science efforts and build community among data scientists on campus. The agenda will include a focus on education, research, and industry uses for data-driven science and will feature two exciting plenary speakers.

Plenary talks will be in the morning and in the afternoon:

The first plenary talk (9:15am-10:15am) is entitled Data Is People: Ethics and Education for Data Science and will feature Casey Fiesler who researches and teaches in the areas of technology ethics, internet law and policy, and online communities. She is a Fellow in the Silicon Flatirons Institute for Law, Technology, and Entrepreneurship, an ATLAS Fellow, and holds a courtesy appointment in Computer Science. Also a public scholar, she is a frequent commentator and speaker on topics of technology ethics and policy, as well as women in STEM (including consulting with Mattel on their computing-related Barbies). Her work on research ethics for data science, ethics education in computing, and broadening participation in computing is supported by the National Science Foundation, as well as Mozilla and Omidyar Network as part of the Responsible Computer Science Challenge.

The second plenary talk (1:00pm-2:00pm) is entitled Unboxing Data Science: Opportunities and Challenges of Open Work and will feature Stéfan van der Walt. Dr. Stéfan van der Walt is a senior research data scientist at the Berkeley Institute for Data Science, the founder of scikit-image, and co-author of "Elegant SciPy: The Art of Scientific Python". Stéfan has been developing scientific open-source software for more than fifteen years, focusing primarily on tools in the Python language. He is a director of NumFOCUS, and serves on the steering committees of NumPy, SciPy, and the Python Software Foundation's Scientific Working Group.

In addition, we will have an Education Session  (10:45am-12:15pm) with 10 speakers, a Research Session (2:00pm-3:00pm) with 8 speakers, an Industry Session (3:30pm-4:30pm) with 5 speakers. We will conclude with a discussion with you, the audience, (4:30pm-5:00pm) about the future of data science at CU Denver.

Looking forward to having you attend and sharing this program with you.


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