College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

Advanced STEM degrees - What's the value?

| 04:00 PM - 06:30 PM
Room Number : Second Floor Terrace Room
Lawrence Street Center
1380 Lawrence Street
Denver, CO

A panel discussion with government and industry leaders on advanced tech degrees

Graduate students pursuing advanced technical degrees often want to know what opportunities exist for them outside of academia.

Engage with a panel of STEM industry and government leaders as they discuss their experiences and perspectives on advanced degrees. Enjoy an evening of dinner and networking where you can ask questions of professionals who have taken different career paths as engineers, entrepreneurs, and leaders in their fields.

Panel members:

  • Angela Hager, PhD -- Staff Engineer, City and County of Denver Public Works
  • Rasool Khadem, PhD -- Founder and President, MedInventive LLC
  • Prajwal Kulkarni, PhD -- Director of Walls Practice, Inflection IT
  • Peter Stoltz, PhD -- Vice President Beam and Plasma Physics, Tech-X Corporation
  • Eric Tan, PhD -- Senior Research Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

4 - 5 p.m.: reception/taco bar
5 - 6:30 p.m.: panel discussion


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