College of Engineering, Design & Computing Events

Panel discussion: Street Safety, Active Transportation, and Public Health

| 05:30 PM - 07:30 PM
Room Number : 2nd floor
CU Denver Building
1250 14th Street
Denver, CO
WTS is teaming up with the Master of Urban and Regional Planning Alumni Association, APAS, and the APA Colorado Healthy Communities Committee to host a panel discussion on Street Safety, Active Transportation, and Public Health! The event includes a networking reception with food and drinks.

Street safety is an ever-present goal talked about in planning, engineering, and public health circles. Yet even as many Colorado communities have adopted Vision Zero initiatives with the goal to improve transportation safety, traffic fatalities and injuries have continued to rise. Bicyclists, pedestrians, and other active transportation users bear a disproportionate share of these fatalities as the most vulnerable users of the transportation system. How can we as professionals plan, design, and advocate for safer active transportation options and improve the overall health and sustainability of our neighborhoods?

Join us for a panel discussion, featuring speakers from planning, engineering, and public health sectors as they discuss new and innovative approaches to street safety and active transportation planning.

RSVP now!

Wes Marshall, Civil Engineering Professor, University of Colorado Denver
Kayla Gilbert, Active Living Program Coordinator, Department of Public Health and the Environment, City and County of Denver
Emily Lindsey, Transportation Technology Strategist | Transportation Planning and Operations, DRCOG
Piep van Heuven, Policy Director, Bicycle Colorado
Jennifer Hillhouse, Director of Transportation Planning, Department of Public Works, City and County of Denver

Moderator: Andy Bosselman, Editor, Streetsblog Denver

College of Engineering, Design and Computing

CU Denver

North Classroom

1200 Larimer Street

Suite 3034

Denver, CO 80204


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