12:00 PM - 01:00 PM Room Number : 800 (Mac Lab)
Lawrence Street Center
1380 Lawrence Street
Denver, CO
Speaker: Rob Fitzgerald, PhD candidate, Big Data Lab
Initially, mapping applications were a boon for our personal mobility, but it has emerged to also come with a cost. By serving a population with the same routing strategies, mapping has effectively increased the contention over the finite supply of mobility options, routing competing requests by way of the same shortest ("optimal") routes. In order to overcome this, one can apply pricing, or, attempt to find collaborative solutions algorithmically. While the former strategy has been used successfully for some time (for example, HOV lanes), the latter is becoming more of a reality due to the prevalence of mobile trajectory data. In this seminar, the problem of applying a system optimal objective to mapping will be explored, along with results from published work and the possible ways forward for this emerging field of study.