Engineering Learning Community

Join the Engineering Learning Community at CU Denver and spend your first two years learning with like-minded engineering students. You are eligible to enroll in the learning community if you are one of the following majors:  bioengineering, civil engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and math.

Students in the Engineering Learning Community take classes designed to complement one another and to support success of first-year engineering students. Benefits of this learning community include:

  • A connected curriculum that fosters collaboration and community, as well as smaller class sizes. Courses include freshman design, core composition I and II, and calculus I and II.
    • Composition and calculus courses integrate a science-based curriculum​
  • Peer mentorship—all undergraduates are paired with a current junior or senior engineering student and meet weekly (Maximum of 2 hours) to get advice about academics, time management, campus life, etc.

How do I join the Engineering Learning Community?

  • Tell your advisor you want to be part of the learning community when you register for your first semester. This will ensure you're enrolled in the correct course sections.
  • Participate in the Summer Bridge Week where you'll meet your peers and your faculty while doing fun design activities.
  • Start classes in the fall and build your engineering community!
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