Concept papers due 16 July | Vision OPEN 2024
Since the Agency’s inception, the ARPA-E OPEN program has served as an opportunity to advance transformative energy breakthroughs in critical areas that fall outside the scope of its technology-focused programs. Vision OPEN challenges the research community to develop groundbreaking technologies to enable a future energy landscape that is dramatically different. There are goals and subtopics
Goal 1: GHG-free abundant primary energy
Subtopic 1: Rapid Deployment (design and manufacturing, and installation)
Subtopic 2: Transformative Advances (breakthrough progression, and new sources)
Goal 2: An intermodal energy superhighway that transports diversified forms of primary energy
Subtopic 1: Novel and efficient energy transport system (electrical power movement, chemical availability, novel use of existing and new infrastructure for energy transfer, and energy conversion)
Subtopic 2: Energy delivery optimization through intelligent systems (intelligent distribution, and intelligent utilization)
Goal 3: A carbon transition that sustainably meets demand for polymers and other materials.
Subtopic 1: Living refineries (synthetic products, and native polymers)
Subtopic 2: Refinery transformation (electrochemical process integration; and novel feedstocks, processes, and products)
Subtopic 3: Carbon allotrope manufacture and utilization (novel processes, and novel applications)
Subtopic 4: Scalable polymer design and deconstruction (synthesis, characterization, and prediction, and deconstruction of post-consumer plastic waste)
Cost share of 5-20%, dependent on team makeup, is required.