Current Teaching
Fall 2021: ELEC 4174/5174 Power electronic Systems
Fall 2021: ELEC 5194 Power Systems Operation and Control
Previous Teaching
Spring 2021: ELEC 5755 Renewable Energy Systems
Spring 2021: ELEC 4184/5184 Power Systems Analysis
Fall 2020: ELEC 4174/5174 Power Electronic Systems
Fall 2020: ELEC/MECH 3030 Electric Circuits
and Systems
Spring 2020: ELEC 5294 Advanced Power Electronics
Spring 2020: ELEC 4184/5184 Power Systems Analysis
Fall 2019: ELEC 4174/5174 Power Electronic Systems
Fall 2019: ELEC 5194 Power Systems Operation and Control
Spring 2019: ELEC 5755 Renewable Energy Systems
Spring 2019: ELEC 4184/5184 Power Systems Analysis
Fall 2018: ELEC 4174/5174 Power Electronic Systems
Fall 2018: ELEC/MECH 3030 Electric Circuits and Systems
Spring 2018: ELEC 5294 Advanced Power Electronics
Spring 2018: ELEC 4184/5184 Power Systems Analysis
Fall 2017: ELEC 4174/5174 Power Electronic Systems
Fall 2017: ELEC 5194 Power Systems Operation and Control
Spring 2016: ELEC 5294 Advanced Power Electronics
Spring 2016: ELEC 4184/5184 Power Systems Analysis
Fall 2015: ELEC 5194 Power Systems Operation and Control
Fall 2015: ELEC 4174/5174 Power Electronic Systems
Spring 2015: ELEC 4184/5184 Power Systems Analysis
Spring 2015: ELEC 5755 Renewable Energy Systems
Fall 2014: ELEC 4444/5444 Power Systems Lab
Fall 2014: ELEC 4174/5174 Power Electronic Systems
Spring 2014: ELEC 4184/5184 Power Systems Analysis
Spring 2014: ELEC 4755/5755 Renewable Energy Systems
Fall 2013: ELEC 4174/5174 Power Electronic Systems
Fall 2013: ELEC/MECH 3030 Electric Circuits and Systems
Spring 2013: ELEC 4184/5184 Power Systems Analysis
Fall 2012: ELEC 4174/5174 Power Electronic Systems
Fall 2012: ELEC/MECH 3030 Electric Circuits and Systems
Spring 2012: ELEC 4184/5184 Power Systems Analysis
Fall 2011: ELEC 4444 Power Systems Lab
Fall 2011: ELEC 4174/5174 Power Electronic Systems
Spring 2011: ELEC 4184/5184 Power Systems Analysis
Spring 2011: ELEC 4755/5755 Renewable Energy Systems
Fall 2010: ELEC 4444 Power Systems Lab
Fall 2010: ELEC 4174/5174 Power Electronic Systems
Spring 2010: EE 5821 Advanced Power Electronics
Spring 2010: EE 4184/5184 Power Systems Analysis
Fall 2009: EE 5194 Power Systems Operation and Control
Fall 2009: EE 4174/5174 Power Electronic Systems
Spring 2009: EE 4184/5184 Power Systems Analysis
Fall 2008: EE 4444 Power Systems Lab
Fall 2008: EE 4174/5174 Power Electronic Systems
Spring 2008: EE 4184/5184 Power Systems Analysis
Fall 2007: EE 4174/5174 Industrial Power Electronics
Description of courses
ELEC 4174/5174-3 Power Electronic Systems
Topics to be covered include: power electronics fundamentals and applications in power systems; uncontrolled, semi-controlled and fully controlled power semiconductors; converter’s
design and control.
ELEC 4184/5184-3 Power Systems Analysis
Topics to be covered include: complex power; per-unit quantities; modeling of generators, transformers and transmission lines; power flow problem; economic dispatch; faults and sequence
networks; and an introduction to power system protection and dynamics.
ELEC 5755-3 Renewable Energy Systems
Topics to be covered include: wind and solar power generation, methods of interconnection renewable energy sources, current technologies, and system economics.
ELEC 5294-3 Advanced Power Electronics
Topics to be covered include: three-phase diode/thyristor bridge rectifiers; three-phase voltage source converters; matrix converters; FACTS devices; Custom Power devices; converter’s
design, control and modulation strategies.
ELEC 5194-3 Power Systems Operation and Control
This course introduces the student to various operational strategies the power industry uses today to operate the power system. Topics to be covered include: economic dispatch,
unit commitment, optimal power flow (linear and nonlinear), transmission congestion, control areas, state estimation, and an introduction to power markets.
ELEC 4444/5444-1 Power Systems Laboratory
This lab introduces the student to modern computational tools used in power system analysis. Algorithms to solve the "power flow problem," the "economic dispatch problem," and the "optimal
power flow problem" are discussed and implemented in the Matlab-Simulink mathematical analysis software package.
ELEC/MECH 3030-3 Electric Circuits and Systems
This basic electrical engineering course is for non-majors (does not apply to BSEE degree). Students study circuit analysis, transformers, electric motors, and simple electronic
circuits (diodes and transistors).